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The G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit


An Environment Seminar Promotes Understanding in Global Warming Issues and Trends

November 30, 2007

An environment seminar on global climate change was held on November 26, 2007 in Sapporo, inviting citizens, in order to promote further understanding in the latest reports of climate change, and the government's action responding to the recent trends of international communities.

An Environment Seminar Promotes Understanding in Global Warming Issues and Trends

In the seminar, hosted by Hokkaido Regional Environment Office, Mr. Murao, an associate professor at Hokkaido University, overviewed the latest news and topics concerning the global warming issues as well as possible impacts that the climate change could strike Hokkaido. Mr. Murao's presentation was followed by an outline of the movements in the international society during the periods preceding the G8 summit, given by officers from the Ministry of the Environment. The agenda to be discussed and the matters expected to be agreed on in the summit meetings were also introduced.

IPCC's Synthesis Report, concluding that the warming of the climate system was worsening, had just been released and caught attention of the public, and these lectures and presentation led to a heated discussion between the audience and the lecturers. Many questions were asked regarding the measures taken globally to reduce greenhouse gases, and opinions and suggestions were exchanged among the participants.