Minister of the Environment Visits Lake Toya
April 7, 2008
In order to inspect the national park and facilities in the host town of the G8 summit of 2008, Environment Minister Ichiro Kamoshita visited Toyako Town on Friday April 4 to 5. The minister held a meeting with the members of "the Lake Toya Community Building Conference Against Global Warming" and also visited Toyako Visitor Center and other facilities around the Shikotsu-Toya National Park area.
In this visit, the minister also attended The Public Dialogue in Toya Culture Center, along with the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. In the dialogue organized by the Cabinet Office of Japan, the minister, other panelists and participating citizens exchanged opinions and ideas on global warming issues.
Discussion with Lake Toya Community Building Conference Against Global Warming
Conference members and minister discussing projects and activities led by the conference.
Location: Toyako Visitor Center's Lecture Room (Toyako Onsen, Toyako Town)
Inspection of JA (Japan Agriculture co-operatives) Toyako's Snow-cooled Vegetable Storage Facility
Enviroment Minister touring in the facility built as a low-carbonization activity by the conference.
Location: JA Toyako's Snow-cooled Vegetable Storage (Naruka, Toyako Town)
Inspection of Toya Takarada Nature Experience House
The minister inspecting the nature experience facility established by the Ministry of the Environment.
Location: Toya Takarada Nature Experience House (Takarada, Toyako Town)
Public Dialogue with Citizens
The minister gave a presentation on global warming issues, which was followed by a discussion with participants.
Location: Toya Culture Center (Toyako Onsen, Toyako Town)
Public Dialogue with Citizens